MEP Identification Labels and Tags

The purpose of ADA signs is to make public sites, facilities, and buildings accessible and usable for people with physical disabilities. ADA signs allow all people to easily locate rooms or areas within any building without difficulty.
Ada braille signs are not only used in hotels, offices and hospitals but also in facilities with snack area, gift shop, waiting rooms, fitness center, mail rooms or even coat rooms. The ADA specifies that a tactile braille sign must be installed in these locations. ADA accessibility requirements includes signage that is conveniently located and easy to read both visually and through tactile touch.
Triala is capable to making ADA and Braille Signs in the following materials:
Braille is a system of tactile writing and reading used by blind and partially sighted individuals. It is not a language but a code that allow all languages to be written and read. Through Braille, people who are blind can review and study the written word. It enables children who cannot read print to become literate and helps adults who lose their vision continue enjoying books, newspapers, and magazines.
Triala is capable of offering Braille signs to all commercial patrons. These signs are fade resistant, lightweight, reliable and crack-resistant. Our Braille signs are manufacted from durable material using highly advanced technology.