MEP Identification Labels and Tags

A route marker plate marks the location of underground cables, pipes, and gas lines. For the purpose of identifying underground cables by electricians and technicians. A route marker plate serves to indicate the location of a cable/pipeline/gas line as well as to warn workers and other utility personnel of the cable’s presence. It helps them prevent accidental damage to cables, pipelines, gas lines, etc., during excavation.
Triala, manufacture route marker plates in Aluminum, stainless steel, Traffolyte, brass and bronze, the Symbol / Wording will be engraved or embossed on to the plates and these plates can be either implanted into the concrete cable route marker surface or can be fixed to a post.
Cable Route Markers (square) are mainly used to help identify and locate electrical cables and other electrical utilities that are buried underground. They can also be used together with cable slabs to mark boundaries and other reference points.
All power cable and fiber optic cable routes shall be provided with identification markers of a permanentmaterial and of an approved type, so as to indicate the locations of cables and joints.
Where cables are laid direct in ground, cable route markers shall be provided at intermediate points alongthe route not more than 50 meters apart and at all points where trench changes direction and branches-off.
Route markers for underground pipelines serve as visible indicators above ground to show the location and direction of the pipeline buried below. They are crucial for preventing accidental damage during construction or excavation activities. These markers typically include important information, such as the type of pipeline, the name of the operating company, and emergency contact details.
Marking underground gas lines clearly is essential for ensuring safety and preventing accidental damage during excavation and construction. Properly identifying gas lines can help workers avoid potentially hazardous situations, such as gas leaks or explosions. Additionally, they facilitate maintenance and repair efforts, ensuring the continued safe operation of the gas distribution system.